Wishing You A Happy Holiday Season!

The three staff at WFO in black shirts smiling

Seasons Greetings!

As we approach the holiday season, we reflect on the incredible journey we've shared throughout the year. 2023 has been a year of resilience, strength, and unwavering commitment to gender justice. As a community, we've been able to grant funds to organizations across Oregon, connect with incredible folks throughout the state, and support each other in countless ways.

This holiday season, let's come together to celebrate the spirit of unity, compassion, and progress. It's a time to express gratitude for the incredible work that’s paved the way for us and to honor the indomitable spirit of those who continue to break barriers.

In the true spirit of giving, let's extend our hands to uplift and support each other. Whether through donation, advocacy, or simply helping out another, our collective efforts make a meaningful impact. As we gather with loved ones, let's also remember those who may be facing challenges and strive to create a community where every woman, girl and gender expansive person feels seen, heard, and empowered.

May this festive season bring you joy, warmth, and the company of those who uplift and inspire you. Let's carry the spirit of gender justice into the new year, continuing to make strides towards a world where all of us thrive.

Wishing you a joyful holiday season filled with love and the company of those who matter most.

With gratitude and solidarity,

The  Women's Foundation of Oregon Team


Thank you for an OUTSTANDING 2023!


Together We Make a Difference: Meet Our Grant Winners!