Thursday April 25th

5:30-8:00 PM

Cleveland High School Auditorium

3400 SE 26th Ave Portland, OR 97202

More than ever, the young men in our community need adults who care about their well-being to know about the pervasive and often hidden impact misogyny has on their world, and invest in strategies that will allow them to become strong and loving men who respect and value people of all genders. Misogyny doesn’t just hurt girls and women, it degrades and diminishes our boys as well. But, our young men can’t be what they can’t see. They need role models and peers to provide positive and successful examples. That is why we are proud to have these men participate in our panel discussion. Come join us for a robust evening discussion on how we can build a culture of healthy masculinity!


  • Jesus “Chucho” Ruiz Vai Sevoi – Eudeve (Opata) Tlamanalcah is the son of Leonor and Juventino, partner of Maria Molina Vai Sevoi, and father of six children. Over the past 20 years, Chucho has transformed the lives of countless youth through a La Cultura Cura approach through grassroots organizing and youth engagement and later as an employee of Chicanos Por La Causa (CPLC). Additionally, Chucho has served as a central facilitator of la tradición through his affirmation and maintenance of Nahua cultural practices and way of life, commitment to social justice, and obligation to the Tucson community. Chucho has served as a central facilitator of la tradición Nahua within the Calpolli Teoxicalli, a constellation of Nahua familias in Tlamanalco.

  • Orlando Williams is the CEO and Chief Equity Officer of Motus Recruiting and Staffing, Inc. Before founding Motus in 2006, Orlando started his recruiting career as an ambassador for prospective visiting athletes at the University of Oregon. He also served in a high-profile advocacy role as a player and Community Outreach Ambassador of Goodwill for the world-famous Harlem Globetrotters. After working as a corporate recruiter at the Nike World Headquarters, he never looked back.

    Under Orlando’s leadership, Motus is one of the leading recruiting firms in the Pacific Northwest. As one of the few certified Oregon MBE recruiting firms in Oregon, Motus aims to educate individuals and organizations on the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workforce. In 2016, Orlando founded the Oregon Diversity Recruiting Council, which offers strategies and training to recruit, retain, and promote BIPOC candidates in Oregon-based organizations.

    In addition to his contributions to the community, Orlando was a game analyst for the Portland Trail Blazers. In his spare time, he enjoys Bible study, spending time with his wife and kids, traveling, and reading an endless amount of history books.

  • Yshai Boussi, LPC, is a family therapist who has specialized in helping teens, young adults, and families for more than twenty years. He is the author of Staying Connected With Your Teen: Polyvagal Parenting Strategies to Reduce Reactivity, Set Limits & Build Authentic Connection. Yshai is a sought after speaker and leads webinars, workshops and classes for parents, educators, teens, and therapists. He and his wife Mariah (also a therapist) are proud parents of a 15 year-old daughter, 11 year-old son, and adult foster son.

    To learn more about Yshai, sign up for his newsletter, and get parenting tips, you can find him at: or Instagram @yourteentherapist

  • Raised by his feminist mother, Nick began his professional journey through volunteering with his university’s rape prevention education program in 1998. Since then, he has provided support and services to youth survivors of domestic and intimate partner violence, as well as to adults and members of the LGBTIQA+ communities. For the past 16 years, he has continued this work at Raphael House of Portland, where survivors find shelter as well as long-term services. Over the years, Nick has facilitated numerous workshops in middle and high schools that address issues such as relationship dynamics, equity and power, and consent. Nick was a founding member of a community group called MEN (Men Engaging Now) that specifically engaged men and male-identified individuals in ending gender-based violence. He currently serves as a Youth and Family Advocate at Raphael House of Portland.

  • Camden Goldberg is a former student and now alumni of Cleveland high school. He graduated receiving an IB diploma for pursuing and completing the IB diploma track while being a junior and senior at Cleveland. He attended Johnson and Wales university in Providence, RI for a semester in the fall of 2023 to study electrical engineering on an academic scholarship while also being competing in and playing lacrosse at JWU. After some unforeseen circumstances Camden has returned to Portland and is going to now be furthering his education at either OSU or CU Boulder this fall following the same electrical engineering path as before. He has a passion for the sport of lacrosse and plans on continuing his endeavors competing in the sport at the collegiate level. Camden formerly co-ran the healthy masculinity club while at Cleveland. Camden spends much of his time planning for the coming months while also training and working in his spare time.